Examination Protocols - Diabetes Risk Score (Type 2)

Diabetes Risk Score (Type 2)

Sex Female (-0.879)

Male (0)
Rx HTN On HTN meds (1.222)

No HTN meds (0)
Rx Steroids On steroids (2.191)

Not on steroids (0)
BMI Body Mass Index < 25 (0)

25 - 27.49 (0.699)

27.5 - 29.99 (1.97)

>= 30 (2.518)
FMH No 1st degree family members with diabete (0)

Parent OR sib with DM (0.728)

Parent AND sib with DM (0.753)
Smoker Patient is a non smoker (0)

Patient used to smoke (-0.218)

Patient is a smoker (0.855)
Decimal Precision:
Terms = 6.322 - Sex - RxHTN - RxSteroids - (0.063 * Age) - BMI - FMH - Smoker
Risk = 100 / (1 + e(Terms))
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