Critical Care - DIC Score

DIC Score

Select Criteria:
Platelet Count
> 100,000/microL (0 points)
50,000/microL - 100,000/microL (1 point)
< 50,000/microL (2 points)
Increase in Fibrin Markers
No change (0 points)
Moderate rise (2 points)
Strong rise (3 points)
Prothrombin Time Prolongation
3 seconds or less (0 points)
> 3 seconds but < 6 seconds (1 point)
Greater than 6 seconds (2 points)
Fibrinogen Level
Greater than 1 g/L (0 points)
Less than 1 g/L (1 point)
Results: Total Criteria Point Count:
DIC Score Interpretation
0-4 points:DIC is not overt, repeat score in 1-2 days
5-8 points:DIC probable, repeat score daily
  • This scoring system is only appropriate for patients with an underlying disorder that can be associated with DIC.
  • Examples of Fibrin Markers include D-dimer and fibrin split products.
  • The DIC Score was developed by the The International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH.)
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