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Endometrial cytology

Endometrial cytology

Endometrial cytology


What is this test?

This test is used to evaluate cells taken from the inner wall of the uterus (endometrium). This test is used to identify endometrial abnormalities. It is used in suspected cases of endometrial hyperplasia (overgrowth of cells) or endometrial cancer.

Why do I need this test?

Laboratory tests may be done for many reasons. Tests are performed for routine health screenings or if a disease or toxicity is suspected. Lab tests may be used to determine if a medical condition is improving or worsening. Lab tests may also be used to measure the success or failure of a medication or treatment plan. Lab tests may be ordered for professional or legal reasons. You may need this test if you have:

  • Uterine lining cancer
  • Uterine lining overgrowth

How should I get ready for the test?

Written consent may be required for endometrial sampling. Review the consent form with the healthcare worker and ask any questions that you have before signing the consent form.

Tell your healthcare worker if you have a medical condition or are using a medication or supplement that causes excessive bleeding. If possible, schedule the procedure one week after your menstrual period, because this is when the uterus is least prone to bleeding. Do not douche or have sexual intercourse 24 hours before the procedure.

You may be asked to urinate prior to endometrial sampling. This will make it easier for the healthcare worker to perform the procedure and may make the procedure more comfortable for you.

How is the test done?

For an endometrial sampling, you may be asked to lie on your back with your legs spread and feet placed in stirrups. A speculum will be inserted into your vagina. This tool is used to gently spread apart your vagina. A special tool (endometrial brush biopsy device or endometrial suction catheter) will be inserted into your cervix to reach the interior of the uterus. The tool will be rotated and moved back and forth to collect surface cells from the endometrium. The sample is then sent for testing.

How will the test feel?

The amount of discomfort you feel will depend on many factors, including your sensitivity to pain. Communicate how you are feeling with the person doing the procedure. Inform the person doing the procedure if you feel that you cannot continue with the procedure.

Before collecting a sample of endometrial cells, you may be offered anti-inflammatory medication (NSAID). A regional anesthetic (paracervical nerve block) may be used to help numb the area where the procedure will be done. You may feel mild discomfort, cramping, or pain during and after endometrial sampling.

What should I do after the test?

You may have blood loss from the vagina, but usually for no longer than 24 hours after the procedure. This blood loss should be no more than the amount of blood loss during an average monthly period. Report heavy bleeding to your healthcare worker. It is normal after this procedure to have a gray-green, foul-smelling vaginal discharge for a few days. Contact your healthcare worker if this continues beyond three weeks. After endometrial sampling, avoid vaginal sex, douching, and tampon use for at least one week. Follow the instructions given by your healthcare worker. If a tampon was placed during the procedure, your healthcare worker will tell you when it may be removed. It can usually be removed after 8 to 24 hours.


You have the right to help plan your care. To help with this plan, you must learn about your health condition and how it may be treated. You can then discuss treatment options with your caregivers. Work with them to decide what care may be used to treat you. You always have the right to refuse treatment.