WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: What should I expect after losing a child? The loss of a child will affect all of your family. Each person will grieve differently. Grief is a normal process of loss. Grief has several stages. The following stages can be experienced in any order: - Denial and isolation is a temporary response to the initial shock of an illness or loss.
- Anger may be directed at strangers, friends, and loved ones. You may be angry with the child for leaving you. You may even be angry at yourself.
- Bargaining happens when you make a deal with a higher power to postpone or reverse the loss.
- Depression is the stage when you let yourself mourn. In this stage allow yourself to feel pain, loss, and sadness. This stage may last longer than the other stages.
- Acceptance is reached when you are able to move on with life. You realize that the loss will always be with you, but you are ready to try to go on.
What other things do I need to know about the loss of a child?Find or ask for support. Support may come from other family members or spiritual leaders. You may need to find support through counseling or group meetings. Support can help you get ready to move on with your life. Ask your healthcare provider for information on support groups in your area. Contact the following, or other, recommended organizations for support: - Caring Connections
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization 1731 King Street, Suite 100 Alexandria , VA 22314 Phone: 1- 800 - 658-8898 Web Address: http://www.caringinfo.org